Softness and positive reinforcement
Our boudoir philosophy
The Dispel Photo Spirit
Respect and empathy, whatever your life path is
We don’t all live the same life events. For some, everything seem to be working just fine. We envy them. But have we ever discussed with them? At Dispel Photo, empathy and respect are core concepts. We all have emotional and/or physical scars, and that’s totally OK.
A laid back and personalised experience
The most beautiful photos are the ones shot when we’re at ease, don’t you think so? At least, that’s our way to see things. Yes, posing is far from being natural, but our approach will make you forget the awkwardness. You’ll give in to make more authentic, more natural photos. Just more of yourself, really!
Happiness, laughter and serenity are some ingredients of a successful Dispel Photo experience! And if at any time there’s something odd or completely off, we take the time to discuss it, camera set aside. We’ll begin again only when you’ll feel ready, even if that means pushing the rest of the session to another time.
Do you feel great as yourself?
First of, congratulations! You are the living proff that happiness exists and it is just heartwarming to hear you say yes. At Dispel Photo, we propose a majestic boudoir photography experience for all of us who love to live the moment. During our first meeting (mail, phone, video or around a table), you will talk with our photographer about your goals and we’ll do our best to deliver the ultimate experience based on your wildest desires.
You have complexes / you feel uneasy as yourself?
What if making yourself happy would be enough to change this feeling forever? Just think about it a moment: life brings tons of issues and when we try to think of something else… it all starts again once more! But this is not destiny! As strange as it may sound, a boudoir photography session is a moment of deep, intense introspection. It’s a recipe to establish dialogue with our inner, perhaps suppressed, self. Our approach is unique, meaning that thanks to this shared moment, you’ll pave the way to basic positive mental thoughts, leading to a complete renewal. In a way, that’s like starting a photo-therapy*! The atmosphere and allowed moments will enable an internal dialogue. We’ll help with small philosophical ideas and positive reinforcement.
It’s time to dispel the curse and be yourself!
* Dispel Photo does not have any medical authority. We do not replace therapy or any medical advice. For more information on this topic, please contact a specialist.
A positive state of mind for everyone
LGBTQ+ friendly
We are proud to be a LGBTQ+ friendly company. We think that living a boudoir experience is not trying to impose yourself to someone else, but to allow you to research personal aesthetics that let you shine. You, and only you.